Joint NWS and NERC funding call pre-announcement
Derisking geological disposal of radioactive waste in the UK
NERC and NWS are looking to fund a single interdisciplinary consortium of researchers who will undertake fundamental underpinning research that will advance our understanding of the potential effects of an introduced radioactive waste geological disposal facility (GDF) on lower strength sedimentary host rock.
Up to £5million is available over 4 years for projects starting by 2nd October 2023. The call will open 22nd November 2022 and close 23rd March 2023, with an information and networking webinar event on 19th January 2023.
The funding will be awarded to a diverse, multidisciplinary team, that can apply new expertise to address 3 challenge areas:
- geological isolation
- contaminant pathways
- mathematical modelling (integrating the above)
For further information and registration for the information webinar, head to the NERC website.